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Monday, September 3, 2018


Guys, we all get stressed out, ALL of us. Between the current political state of the world and the obvious shift in the climate, who can sleep at night? And don't get me started on the day to day stresses of life. Work, parenting, partnering, and bills! We've become accustom to the feeling of living on the brink. We seek comfort in commiserating with friends and co-workers. Believing all along that if we are all feeling the same way, it somehow makes it ok.
While I'm a true believer in a good "pity party", I also believe it's a dangerously thin line between life and death. I know, super dramatic right? But it's true, when you are spending the majority of your time in a stressed state, your'e  not living. You're agitated, annoyed, short-tempered, and not a lot of fun to be around.

Never fear beautiful people, I'm here to help! I'm no doctor, however, I've tried a few things that do help manage stress when it gets overwhelming.

1. Exercise. I'm sorry, that's just the truth, do it.
2. Cut back on caffeine. Who wants to be stressed AND jumpy?
3. Get more sleep. Turn off your phone, go to bed at 10 and relax. The internet will be there in the morning.
4. If you're fortunate enough to have a job (or family) that allows a "personal day", take it. You need it.
5. Meditate. For some, this may mean prayer, for others, this may mean watching 2 Lifetime movies back to back . It only matters that you still your body and soul for a moment.

Recently, I tried public meditation, because the little corner I use at home was just not going to cut it. So, I went on a 4 mile walk and ended up on the bench in front of my son's old elementary school. I looked around and saw the odd family or owner/dog combo meandering around our sleepy street. I mostly heard birds chirping and there was a sweet breeze washing over me. It was the perfect spot. I closed my eyes, and focused on my breath. In 2-3-4 out 2-3-4 eye opens, I notice how nice the building is across the street. I wonder how much it costs to live there? My heart starts to beat faster and that feeling starts to come over me.  This is not working, but I'm not a quitter so I search my phone for that free app I downloaded a few months back. I open it, and hear the soothing familiar british woman's voice telling me to get comfortable in my surroundings, put my hands to my side, take a few deep breaths and allow my lids to gently close.

I sat like this, relaxed and following instructions breathing deeply and only being distracted by the sound of happy birds jumping and playing from tree to tree. 7 minutes later, I opened my eyes and there was a guy across the street in front of the nice building staring at me. I couldn't tell if he was concerned or intrigued. It doesn't matter because his Uber showed up and I was completely taken out of my semi-conscious mental vacation anyway.

I don't think public meditation is 100% for me, I need to feel safe to completely let go, and I just don't feel that way outside. But it is nice to know that I have found another way to calm down, stay grounded, and hopefully lift the people around me up and not drag them down.

The app I used is called CALM, this is not an ad (I wish).

Thanks for reading,
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