People are dying, Trump is President, and the storms are getting bigger and bigger. It's no wonder I question my role on this planet often. Why am I here? What am I doing to help? The truth is, our personal choices are just that, personal. Some of us march and get loud and that is SO necessary and vital in our world right now. Some of us don't, and that's ok too.
When you report for duty everyday, whether you're teaching young minds, taking care of your family, or delivering packages, YOU are part of the equation that keeps us all going. We need each other guys. For me, sharing my tips and little slices of life with you and the dialog that happens because of it, gives me comfort and hopefully provides a nice escape from a somewhat unpredictable state of affairs. When we share, we become vulnerable, and in that vulnerability, we are comforted. I think that's one of the reasons social media is important to so many.
I also believe that watching The Rock scale a burning building to save his family is just as important as watching the 6 o'clock news. It's actually more important to me right now because I know The Rock is going to come out alive with one kid on his back and holding his wife's hand. On the other hand, the news just has too many wild cards.
I hope the message I'm sending with this is clear, I am not advocating complacency. I simply feel overwhelmed at times and believe some of you do too. I spoke with my dad this morning and he said something that just clicked. It is important for us to be kind to one another, show compassion and lift each other up. So whether you're on your way to your next rally or doing a Target run, please remember smile at a stranger and know that you've done your tiny part.
Thanks for reading,
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Recent Posts
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Posted by
Nikki Leacock
An Al B. Sure mix tape, that I bought on the street in Harlem. My sister and I fought over the purchase, she told me it would be a waste of money. I won the fight and spent $4.99 on a perfectly good quality tape cassette. There was no music on it, but it is was great quality.
A personalized spray painted t-shirt with my name and some random Spike Lee quote (wish I still had it).
Bubble gum pink satin Nike high tops with black laces and a black swoosh. (insert eyeroll emoji)
And finally, the most beautiful mustard suede over the knee boots with black flames going up the sides. Yes, black flames. It's no wonder my mom accidentally put them into the donate pile. She also "accidentally" donated my completely shredded levis with two particularly suspect holes in the back. Aw mom, I'm sorry.
So it's really been more like a 30 year obsession. You should take my advice very seriously, I basically have my Masters Degree in over the knee boots. Here are my top 5 under $100.
Women's Nikka Heeled Over the Knee Sock Boots - A New Day™ $44.99 Target
Kendall & Kylie
Emette Lug Over the Knee Boots $99.97 Nordstrom Rack
Aldo Fadoven boot $59.99
OTK Block Heel Boot Sole Society $90.97
Anything highlighted is a link to the product, happy shopping!
Thanks for reading,
OTK Block Heel Boot Sole Society $90.97
Anything highlighted is a link to the product, happy shopping!
Thanks for reading,
Monday, September 17, 2018
Posted by
Nikki Leacock
I just saw a meme that said "No one drinks more wine than a single woman with her own apartment". I kind of giggled for a moment and then shook my head at the thought of drinking more wine than I do, and I'm a married woman with a child. Wow, now I'm questioning the level of alcohol consumption among us women. Anyhoo, I'll let you google that while I prepare my number 1 pick for red and white under 10$.
If we've ever broken bread together, you already know I'm a red wine lady. I like a big, bold, earthy cabernet sauvignon and can pair it with anything. Cheese, fish, chicken, steak, fruit, sushi, PB & J, ANYTHING. If you're a sommelier or an owner of a winery and are appalled by the fact that I would pair a full bodied cab with just about anything, please feel free to invite me to an all expense paid wine tasting weekend for two to set me straight. Until then, I will have to say my number one pick for red wines right now under $10 is Storyteller Cabernet Sauvignon. I'm no expert, but this Sonoma County red is earthy with hints of plum, vanilla and even chocolate. It sounds like a desert wine, but it's a lot drier. It's the bottle that you would open after every ones left the dinner party and that one friend with the best stories is left behind.
For my top white wine under $10 I chose Noble Vines 152 Pinot Grigio. This bottle was a new choice for me, I chose it because Pinot Grigio reminds me of long romantic dinners with my husband back in Toronto at our (now closed) favorite local restaurant. We would almost always order the Chilean Sea Bass and the Pinot Grigio almost always followed. I recently shared a bottle of Noble Vines 152 with friends (none of us connoisseurs that I know of) and this is what they had to say:
"I taste Melon!"
"I'm tasting tropical? No, crisp summer apple"
"I would pair it with Cornish Game Hen or a white fish"
"Tastes very fruity"
"Might be good with a Tomato and Mozzarella salad"
After getting everyones feedback, I read the description on the bottle. "...distinguished by lively floral aromas and flavors of fresh citrus, peach, and a hint of minerality....serve with fresh salads, pasta, seafood or roast chicken." -Charlie Hossom, Vine Grower
I was proud of our "tasting" abilities. When you rush out to purchase your next bottle, I encourage you to play the "tasting" game, it's fun to compare what you taste to what's written in the description.
Please feel free to leave a comment with your faves and I will be sure to try!
Thanks for reading,
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If we've ever broken bread together, you already know I'm a red wine lady. I like a big, bold, earthy cabernet sauvignon and can pair it with anything. Cheese, fish, chicken, steak, fruit, sushi, PB & J, ANYTHING. If you're a sommelier or an owner of a winery and are appalled by the fact that I would pair a full bodied cab with just about anything, please feel free to invite me to an all expense paid wine tasting weekend for two to set me straight. Until then, I will have to say my number one pick for red wines right now under $10 is Storyteller Cabernet Sauvignon. I'm no expert, but this Sonoma County red is earthy with hints of plum, vanilla and even chocolate. It sounds like a desert wine, but it's a lot drier. It's the bottle that you would open after every ones left the dinner party and that one friend with the best stories is left behind.
"I taste Melon!"
"I'm tasting tropical? No, crisp summer apple"
"I would pair it with Cornish Game Hen or a white fish"
"Tastes very fruity"
"Might be good with a Tomato and Mozzarella salad"
After getting everyones feedback, I read the description on the bottle. "...distinguished by lively floral aromas and flavors of fresh citrus, peach, and a hint of minerality....serve with fresh salads, pasta, seafood or roast chicken." -Charlie Hossom, Vine Grower
I was proud of our "tasting" abilities. When you rush out to purchase your next bottle, I encourage you to play the "tasting" game, it's fun to compare what you taste to what's written in the description.
Please feel free to leave a comment with your faves and I will be sure to try!
Thanks for reading,
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Monday, September 3, 2018
Posted by
Nikki Leacock
Guys, we all get stressed out, ALL of us. Between the current political state of the world and the obvious shift in the climate, who can sleep at night? And don't get me started on the day to day stresses of life. Work, parenting, partnering, and bills! We've become accustom to the feeling of living on the brink. We seek comfort in commiserating with friends and co-workers. Believing all along that if we are all feeling the same way, it somehow makes it ok.
While I'm a true believer in a good "pity party", I also believe it's a dangerously thin line between life and death. I know, super dramatic right? But it's true, when you are spending the majority of your time in a stressed state, your'e not living. You're agitated, annoyed, short-tempered, and not a lot of fun to be around.
Never fear beautiful people, I'm here to help! I'm no doctor, however, I've tried a few things that do help manage stress when it gets overwhelming.
1. Exercise. I'm sorry, that's just the truth, do it.
2. Cut back on caffeine. Who wants to be stressed AND jumpy?
3. Get more sleep. Turn off your phone, go to bed at 10 and relax. The internet will be there in the morning.
4. If you're fortunate enough to have a job (or family) that allows a "personal day", take it. You need it.
5. Meditate. For some, this may mean prayer, for others, this may mean watching 2 Lifetime movies back to back . It only matters that you still your body and soul for a moment.
Recently, I tried public meditation, because the little corner I use at home was just not going to cut it. So, I went on a 4 mile walk and ended up on the bench in front of my son's old elementary school. I looked around and saw the odd family or owner/dog combo meandering around our sleepy street. I mostly heard birds chirping and there was a sweet breeze washing over me. It was the perfect spot. I closed my eyes, and focused on my breath. In 2-3-4 out 2-3-4 eye opens, I notice how nice the building is across the street. I wonder how much it costs to live there? My heart starts to beat faster and that feeling starts to come over me. This is not working, but I'm not a quitter so I search my phone for that free app I downloaded a few months back. I open it, and hear the soothing familiar british woman's voice telling me to get comfortable in my surroundings, put my hands to my side, take a few deep breaths and allow my lids to gently close.
I sat like this, relaxed and following instructions breathing deeply and only being distracted by the sound of happy birds jumping and playing from tree to tree. 7 minutes later, I opened my eyes and there was a guy across the street in front of the nice building staring at me. I couldn't tell if he was concerned or intrigued. It doesn't matter because his Uber showed up and I was completely taken out of my semi-conscious mental vacation anyway.
I don't think public meditation is 100% for me, I need to feel safe to completely let go, and I just don't feel that way outside. But it is nice to know that I have found another way to calm down, stay grounded, and hopefully lift the people around me up and not drag them down.
The app I used is called CALM, this is not an ad (I wish).
Thanks for reading,
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Friday, August 3, 2018
Posted by
Nikki Leacock
When my little 4 year old friend (and one of my favorite people in this world) came to the realization that our skin color was different, she had questions. Why are we different colors? What color am I? I saw it as a teachable moment. My chance to be someone in her life, besides her amazing parents, to really let her know "black is beautiful" and why. I think she gets it.
Anyone who knows me, knows I adore kids! They are so full of energy, hope, love, and wonder. Over the years I have worked with all types of children. Children with different economic backgrounds, different ethnicities, and different physical and academic challenges. One question that always comes up is, "what's your favorite color?".
I guess it's one of the first things we decide when we're little, to start shaping our own identities.
On and off throughout the years my color has bounced around the spectrum from happy yellow to passionate red and even Prince (may he rest in peace) purple. Then in my 30's, I settled on black. I realized that black was never chosen as a favorite color amongst the kids I knew. Was it because of the negative connotation at every turn? Probably. Black equaled evil, even in the comic books and novels I read, the bullies or 'bad girls' all had raven hair. Black cats were bad luck and the black crayon was always the only one in pristine condition.
I currently work for a company that is based on color and beautiful things. We had a managers meeting last week and when we went around the table and introduced ourselves, guess what we also had to share? If you guessed our favorite color then congratulations, you've really been reading this blog and not just looking at the pretty pictures:) It was almost my turn, I listened to each person as they chattered about "Blush" and how perfect it was. It was like I had travelled back to Kindergarten and was doing circle time, probably thinking about what snack our teacher would provide that afternoon. No one had mentioned black. And then my good friend introduced herself and I snapped back to the present day. "Hello everyone, my name is Vanessa and my favorite color is black" Part of me was deflated, because I realize now that I grew to enjoy the shock value that came with saying those words. Then the other part of me thought, "that's my girrrrllll" .
Well here are a few of my favorite black accessories and where you can find them (click the pics) and here are a few reasons I love the color black:
It's grounding,
it's chic,
it's strong,
it's pretty,
it's sexy,
and it's fashion.
What's your favorite color?
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I guess it's one of the first things we decide when we're little, to start shaping our own identities.
On and off throughout the years my color has bounced around the spectrum from happy yellow to passionate red and even Prince (may he rest in peace) purple. Then in my 30's, I settled on black. I realized that black was never chosen as a favorite color amongst the kids I knew. Was it because of the negative connotation at every turn? Probably. Black equaled evil, even in the comic books and novels I read, the bullies or 'bad girls' all had raven hair. Black cats were bad luck and the black crayon was always the only one in pristine condition.
I currently work for a company that is based on color and beautiful things. We had a managers meeting last week and when we went around the table and introduced ourselves, guess what we also had to share? If you guessed our favorite color then congratulations, you've really been reading this blog and not just looking at the pretty pictures:) It was almost my turn, I listened to each person as they chattered about "Blush" and how perfect it was. It was like I had travelled back to Kindergarten and was doing circle time, probably thinking about what snack our teacher would provide that afternoon. No one had mentioned black. And then my good friend introduced herself and I snapped back to the present day. "Hello everyone, my name is Vanessa and my favorite color is black" Part of me was deflated, because I realize now that I grew to enjoy the shock value that came with saying those words. Then the other part of me thought, "that's my girrrrllll" .
Well here are a few of my favorite black accessories and where you can find them (click the pics) and here are a few reasons I love the color black:
It's grounding,
it's chic,
it's strong,
it's pretty,
it's sexy,
and it's fashion.
What's your favorite color?
Thanks for reading,
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Posted by
Nikki Leacock
Have you ever had issues with accepting help from others? I have. In hindsight, I'm sure I've lost friends and definitely a couple of great opportunities because of it. I had a good friend (we'll call her Nelly) who always offered to pay for dinner, drinks, cab fare, you name it, Nelly paid for it. We literally would argue over the bill until the surrounding tables would start to look. I would get distracted in a stare down with a random onlooker and Nelly would slip her card to the server. Clearly, Nelly was a kind and generous friend who suffered from the same issues as me when it came to accepting help of any kind.
Guys, 20 something Nikki was not the sharpest knife in the drawer. If I could go back in time, I would graciously accept EVERY SINGLE TIME. Reciprocation is the key.
When I moved to another country with the family, we started from scratch. Of course, we packed and boxed up all the necessities. Most of the boxes were full of toys that we desperately hoped would soften the blow of a whole new world to our 5 year old son. The rest of the boxes were clothes, most of which helped the neighbors identify us as being "not from around here". We needed furniture, cutlery, oh and a refrigerator! Did you know that here in Los Angeles, the apartments don't come with a fridge?! I'll let that sink in while I finish this lesson. We bought a bed and TV from the guy who was currently renting our first place, he needed the money, and we needed basic cable. If you're stuck on the fact that we bought a used bed, you should be. It was gross, and was on the curb the same night we bought it.
We needed help. I had to stop saying "No really, we're good!" and start saying "Yes, that would be so helpful!" I literally thought I was going to die, from being helped. Instead, I was forced to put my ego and pride in check. I became vulnerable and opportunities showed up left and right. I learned to listen to friends and family and what was important to them. And THAT is how I gave back. Most people want to spend quality time, some people appreciate good solid advice, and all of us don't want to be alone.
OK, here's the take away. We all have instinct. If you have issues with accepting gifts or a helping hand, tune in to your instinct. It will always let you know if the person offering has an ulterior motive or if they just want to make you happy. I'm leaving a few photos here, all with items that were gifted to me in the last few years. Thanks to our friends and family who have always wanted to lift us up. And thank you to my tribe (old and new) who have always wanted to see me happy. I'm looking at you Nelly.
Thanks for reading,
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Guys, 20 something Nikki was not the sharpest knife in the drawer. If I could go back in time, I would graciously accept EVERY SINGLE TIME. Reciprocation is the key.
When I moved to another country with the family, we started from scratch. Of course, we packed and boxed up all the necessities. Most of the boxes were full of toys that we desperately hoped would soften the blow of a whole new world to our 5 year old son. The rest of the boxes were clothes, most of which helped the neighbors identify us as being "not from around here". We needed furniture, cutlery, oh and a refrigerator! Did you know that here in Los Angeles, the apartments don't come with a fridge?! I'll let that sink in while I finish this lesson. We bought a bed and TV from the guy who was currently renting our first place, he needed the money, and we needed basic cable. If you're stuck on the fact that we bought a used bed, you should be. It was gross, and was on the curb the same night we bought it.
We needed help. I had to stop saying "No really, we're good!" and start saying "Yes, that would be so helpful!" I literally thought I was going to die, from being helped. Instead, I was forced to put my ego and pride in check. I became vulnerable and opportunities showed up left and right. I learned to listen to friends and family and what was important to them. And THAT is how I gave back. Most people want to spend quality time, some people appreciate good solid advice, and all of us don't want to be alone.
OK, here's the take away. We all have instinct. If you have issues with accepting gifts or a helping hand, tune in to your instinct. It will always let you know if the person offering has an ulterior motive or if they just want to make you happy. I'm leaving a few photos here, all with items that were gifted to me in the last few years. Thanks to our friends and family who have always wanted to lift us up. And thank you to my tribe (old and new) who have always wanted to see me happy. I'm looking at you Nelly.
Thanks for reading,
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Saturday, June 2, 2018
Posted by
Nikki Leacock
I'm over people cancelling people and companies. We need to all have our own opinions on things. Don't let other people tell you how you should feel about something. If a topic interests you, do 10 minutes of investigating and I guarantee you, you'll find out more than you did from some strangers instagram post saying "Kanye is a racist, everybody hate him for the next week"
Do I disagree with how swiftly Roseanne was cancelled, absolutely not. But, did I stop buying my favorite drink (albeit too expensive and packed with calories) from Starbucks? No! The folks at my local Starbucks make my family and I feel welcome, always. I have developed connections with the employees that have spilled outside the faux mahogany wooden walls where we meet 2-3 times a week. I think that we are so damaged and sensitive from being historically mistreated that it can blur our judgement on certain situations. Here's hoping I don't get cancelled for expressing my view.
In the last few years of my life, I have found myself slipping into a dangerous place of fingerpointing and judging. Me! The girl who in her teens made a promise to react to racism by educating every person that said something offensive out of ignorance not anger. The young woman who spent her twenties debating with family and friends about the goodness of people, constantly correcting everyone when they painted a whole race, gender, or political party with the same brush. Even in my 30's, I soldiered on, spreading flower petals over hate, giving second chances at every turn.
Lately, I find myself looking for someone to make a mistake and say something to offend me. I'm asking my son questions about situations that in no way have anything to do with racism or hate. Making comments loud enough for people to know I'm "woke" but soft enough to squash the guilt I feel by not being true to myself. In my forties, I have too many years behind me to ignore the differences in us as people. I am raising an African American male who needs to know the right way to handle situations that his friends will undoubtedly never have to deal with. He will continue to face roadblocks and challenges, he will also laugh a lot and be surrounded by love and light. Yes, there are awful, hateful people in this world. Sadly, I can never watch another episode of The Cosby Show, but I can't promise you that I won't listen to Kanye's music ever again. Google the whole interview.
I owe it to my son to offer the balance that my parents gave me. Everyone has a story, listen before you judge.
Also...I STILL LIKE H & M. Damn them for making affordable chic clothing. When are we allowed to shop there again?
Thanks for reading,
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Do I disagree with how swiftly Roseanne was cancelled, absolutely not. But, did I stop buying my favorite drink (albeit too expensive and packed with calories) from Starbucks? No! The folks at my local Starbucks make my family and I feel welcome, always. I have developed connections with the employees that have spilled outside the faux mahogany wooden walls where we meet 2-3 times a week. I think that we are so damaged and sensitive from being historically mistreated that it can blur our judgement on certain situations. Here's hoping I don't get cancelled for expressing my view.
In the last few years of my life, I have found myself slipping into a dangerous place of fingerpointing and judging. Me! The girl who in her teens made a promise to react to racism by educating every person that said something offensive out of ignorance not anger. The young woman who spent her twenties debating with family and friends about the goodness of people, constantly correcting everyone when they painted a whole race, gender, or political party with the same brush. Even in my 30's, I soldiered on, spreading flower petals over hate, giving second chances at every turn.
Lately, I find myself looking for someone to make a mistake and say something to offend me. I'm asking my son questions about situations that in no way have anything to do with racism or hate. Making comments loud enough for people to know I'm "woke" but soft enough to squash the guilt I feel by not being true to myself. In my forties, I have too many years behind me to ignore the differences in us as people. I am raising an African American male who needs to know the right way to handle situations that his friends will undoubtedly never have to deal with. He will continue to face roadblocks and challenges, he will also laugh a lot and be surrounded by love and light. Yes, there are awful, hateful people in this world. Sadly, I can never watch another episode of The Cosby Show, but I can't promise you that I won't listen to Kanye's music ever again. Google the whole interview.
I owe it to my son to offer the balance that my parents gave me. Everyone has a story, listen before you judge.
Also...I STILL LIKE H & M. Damn them for making affordable chic clothing. When are we allowed to shop there again?
Thanks for reading,
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Thursday, April 26, 2018
Posted by
Nikki Leacock
So, my husband has been seeing a "life coach" (for lack of a better way to describe her talent) for 20 years. He adores her and has been trying to connect us for years. If you know me, you know about this weird thing that I do, that is when someone I love insists on me doing something, I resist. Even when I know it's in my best interest. If I do end up doing whatever it is they want me to do, I have to do it on my own terms. In other words, I wait until I'm good and ready
and then begrudgingly do it.
Well, I was finally ready to see Barbara, the life coach. Who really is more of a happiness wrangler than a life coach (ooh, happiness wrangler, that's good), and she asked all of us in the group to think about what we REALLY what we want in this life. This question has haunted me my entire life guys. I feel as though, for most people, the answer is and has always been clear. Not for me. In my teens, I would just say "I don't know!" with the joyful ignorance of a girl who had the world in her hands. In my 20's, when I had a damn near anxiety attack every time the question was asked, I came up with an answer that worked for me, and usually shut up whoever was asking.
Everyone ever: "What do you want in life"?
Me: "Happiness"
And for years, it worked. Until now.
I've been blogging for 10 years, when I'm not blogging, I'm painting, when I'm not painting, I'm sketching, when I'm not sketching, I'm taking photographs, when I'm get it, I digress.
Here in L.A. I have fine tuned my gift of networking by going solo to a few blogger events. I'm pretty good at getting to know what everyone else is all about, but there is zero confidence behind my story when the tables are turned. Then this morning, as I was getting ready for work, I listened to an interview with two of my favorite bloggers. They both have seen success with all aspects of their businesses and the number one piece of advice from them was to "stay true to yourself." And just like that, I finally realized what I want from my life. EVERYTHING. I want to inspire people to do whatever their heart desires, at ANY AGE.
At almost 49, I am inspiring both young and mature people to do what they want. I've always loved fashion and art and wanted to do anything that marries the two together. I just didn't think I could. I want you to know that I am out on the corner with my tri-pod on my 15 minute breaks taking (what I think are) pretty cool pics and meeting all types of people who are inspired by them in some way or the other.
Repeatedly wear the same items in my closet, styled differently.
Don't own a double G gucci belt.
Share with my followers when I am uninspired, bloated, and or worried that I am going to embarrass my son with each post I make.
I say all of this to say this. We literally only get one shot. Yes y'all, this is where I'm at today, quoting Eminem. Do you not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime.
Here's the catch, I can't guarantee your going to make any money following your heart. That part I haven't mastered yet. But hey, I'm the best dang 48 year old model/artist/haiku poet on my block.
Thanks for reading,
Nikki Pin It
and then begrudgingly do it.
Well, I was finally ready to see Barbara, the life coach. Who really is more of a happiness wrangler than a life coach (ooh, happiness wrangler, that's good), and she asked all of us in the group to think about what we REALLY what we want in this life. This question has haunted me my entire life guys. I feel as though, for most people, the answer is and has always been clear. Not for me. In my teens, I would just say "I don't know!" with the joyful ignorance of a girl who had the world in her hands. In my 20's, when I had a damn near anxiety attack every time the question was asked, I came up with an answer that worked for me, and usually shut up whoever was asking.
Everyone ever: "What do you want in life"?
Me: "Happiness"
And for years, it worked. Until now.
I've been blogging for 10 years, when I'm not blogging, I'm painting, when I'm not painting, I'm sketching, when I'm not sketching, I'm taking photographs, when I'm get it, I digress.
Here in L.A. I have fine tuned my gift of networking by going solo to a few blogger events. I'm pretty good at getting to know what everyone else is all about, but there is zero confidence behind my story when the tables are turned. Then this morning, as I was getting ready for work, I listened to an interview with two of my favorite bloggers. They both have seen success with all aspects of their businesses and the number one piece of advice from them was to "stay true to yourself." And just like that, I finally realized what I want from my life. EVERYTHING. I want to inspire people to do whatever their heart desires, at ANY AGE.
At almost 49, I am inspiring both young and mature people to do what they want. I've always loved fashion and art and wanted to do anything that marries the two together. I just didn't think I could. I want you to know that I am out on the corner with my tri-pod on my 15 minute breaks taking (what I think are) pretty cool pics and meeting all types of people who are inspired by them in some way or the other.
Repeatedly wear the same items in my closet, styled differently.
Don't own a double G gucci belt.
Share with my followers when I am uninspired, bloated, and or worried that I am going to embarrass my son with each post I make.
I say all of this to say this. We literally only get one shot. Yes y'all, this is where I'm at today, quoting Eminem. Do you not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime.
Here's the catch, I can't guarantee your going to make any money following your heart. That part I haven't mastered yet. But hey, I'm the best dang 48 year old model/artist/haiku poet on my block.
Thanks for reading,
Nikki Pin It
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Posted by
Nikki Leacock
I still pack my 13 year old sons lunch. Am I a good mom or a bad mom?
Today it was 2 oranges, 2 rice krispy squares, nacho chips and grapes. Good mom or bad mom?
I don't know what high school and or college he will go to. Good mom or bad mom? He feels comfortable talking to me about anything. Good mom or bad mom?
He didn't go to see a dentist for 5 years. Good mom or bad mom? When he went, the dentist said he had a great set of teeth with no cavities. Good mom or bad mom?
I call him "khloe" to get him to cut his nails when they get too long. Good or bad mom? He has a sarcastic (but hilarious) sense of humor. Good mom or bad mom?
I can't list the projects he's working on for school right now. Good or bad mom? I can list the projects he's working on with his friends out of school: painting, acting and organizing a summer camp for kids. Good mom or bad mom?
I felt compelled to share a few of these tidbits with you all, just to see if i'm alone in thinking: as a parent, I don't know what I'm doing 50% of the time. I am just doing my best. I love him with all of my heart, I encourage him to spend time doing things he loves, including video games. I support him in his interests and celebrate his victories. I take care of him and try to find a balance between raising a self sufficient young man and a caring individual. Isn't that we are all trying to do as parents? It is so hard to not compare his path to the paths of others, but the truth is, I think we all do it. The parents of the child who is enrolled in 3 different team sports, singing in the church choir, and running for class president are looking at the parents of the child who is super respectful, responsible and socially intellectual wondering if they are not providing the right opportunities. Right? At least I hope so.
I'm so grateful for the handful of moms that I have in my life that do not judge me. It's kind of a pact that we've formed without actually verbally hammering out the details. Shout out to my mom and my sisters who have endured parenting multiple children, a task I seriously don't think I was cut out for.
The next thing I need to work on is how I react to other parents talking about their kids with pride. In my head I'm waiting for my opening and preparing my amazing list of things that Max is doing with his life as well. I always end up doing one of two things, changing the subject or spewing out his credentials like I'm filling out his first dating app profile.
Random parent after sharing all the things that their child has been up to: "So how's Max doing?"
Me: "Did you watch Blackish last week?"
Me: "He's doing great! He just uploaded another video to his youtube channel, he's going to Starbucks by himself now, he's been to all the museums in the LA area, he likes to hike and he's such a caring person! I'm so proud of him, did I mention he knows how to order his own Starbuck drink? I mean, there's no ice and extra strawberries soooo...."
I can't change who I am, but I can change how I manage things. Remember when you brought your baby home from the hospital and worried about dropping him/her? Well, 13 years into it, I still worry about dropping Max, does that make sense?
Also, when he was a toddler, I cut the feet off his onesies so that he got more wear out of them.
Thanks for reading,
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Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Posted by
Nikki Leacock
GUYS, we've all been there. You have no specific plans this weekend and you are looking forward to sitting in your sweats in front of the TV with your phone in your hand, ready to peruse social media during the commercials.
And then your friend texts you. "Hey what are you doing on Friday?" Girl, issa trap! Instead of your friend being straightforward and saying: "I'm going to a 3 hour yoga class and would like you to come" or " I'm going shopping at the outlet mall 3 hrs from here and thought you'd like to come". They simply ask " Do you have plans?". You then have to ask yourself the hard question. Do I roll the dice and say "I have no plans" or do you lie and say "I have plans" or tell the honest truth which is "My only plans are to have an evening in doing nothing". Here's my advice to you. If you feel pressured and answer "I have no plans" Please be open to whatever is going down on
Friday night. It may be a fancy 5 star dinner at that new joint that everyone's been talking about, or it may be driving a friend to the airport... in Long Beach.
You have to take responsibility for not being real with your friends, which takes me to option two: Lying and saying you have plans when indeed you don't. This option will NEVER turn out well (I've heard..wink) No matter what lie you come up with on the spot, it will come back around. For example,
You: "I have plans"
Friend: "Oh? what are you doing?"
You: "I..I, I told my mom I would help her organize the kitchen cupboards."
Friend: "You can't get out of it"?
You:"No, she's been wanting to do it for a while and I keep saying no"
Friend:"That's too bad, you're so sweet for helping your mom. Drake's hosting my husbands birthday party and I wanted you to come. We're going to the spa first for hair and makeup. But it's ok, I'll ask *insert that one friends name that you never liked here*"
Then cut to your Mom running into your friend and them having a conversation about how you're planning on organizing the kitchen cupboards on Friday. Just throw the whole night away.
The last option, is the best option. HONESTY.
You: "I have plans on doing nothing but relaxing."
Period, no explanation on how tired you are, or how little time you have for yourself. Just "no". Try it! It's also a great way to socially clean house, as the real friends always understand and are confident enough to know there is no secret plot to NOT hang out with them. Does this mean you'll never find yourself in a not so great situation because you said 'Yes? Absolutely not, that's just part of life, but the sweet spot is in the balance.
When you pour that glass of wine, kick back, open Instagram and see what everyone else is up to.
Thanks for reading,
Nikki Pin It
And then your friend texts you. "Hey what are you doing on Friday?" Girl, issa trap! Instead of your friend being straightforward and saying: "I'm going to a 3 hour yoga class and would like you to come" or " I'm going shopping at the outlet mall 3 hrs from here and thought you'd like to come". They simply ask " Do you have plans?". You then have to ask yourself the hard question. Do I roll the dice and say "I have no plans" or do you lie and say "I have plans" or tell the honest truth which is "My only plans are to have an evening in doing nothing". Here's my advice to you. If you feel pressured and answer "I have no plans" Please be open to whatever is going down on
Friday night. It may be a fancy 5 star dinner at that new joint that everyone's been talking about, or it may be driving a friend to the airport... in Long Beach.
You: "I have plans"
Friend: "Oh? what are you doing?"
You: "I..I, I told my mom I would help her organize the kitchen cupboards."
Friend: "You can't get out of it"?
You:"No, she's been wanting to do it for a while and I keep saying no"
Friend:"That's too bad, you're so sweet for helping your mom. Drake's hosting my husbands birthday party and I wanted you to come. We're going to the spa first for hair and makeup. But it's ok, I'll ask *insert that one friends name that you never liked here*"
Then cut to your Mom running into your friend and them having a conversation about how you're planning on organizing the kitchen cupboards on Friday. Just throw the whole night away.
The last option, is the best option. HONESTY.
You: "I have plans on doing nothing but relaxing."
Period, no explanation on how tired you are, or how little time you have for yourself. Just "no". Try it! It's also a great way to socially clean house, as the real friends always understand and are confident enough to know there is no secret plot to NOT hang out with them. Does this mean you'll never find yourself in a not so great situation because you said 'Yes? Absolutely not, that's just part of life, but the sweet spot is in the balance.
When you pour that glass of wine, kick back, open Instagram and see what everyone else is up to.
Thanks for reading,
Nikki Pin It
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Posted by
Nikki Leacock
Future, I apologize, but when you made the hit "Mask Off", you should have known that every beauty and skincare blogger would use it as a pun. #rapperproblems.
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I did a review of my two favorite facial masks guys! As I mature, I'm noticing things change that I used to take for granted. I'm developing a little sag under my chin, my forehead has it's own mood separate from the rest of my face, and that mood is 'concerned' , and finally, the baggage under my eyes. Sometimes sleep is not the only answer. I woke up this morning and felt so groggy, when I looked at my reflection, I was like "dang woman, you need to tuck yourself right back into that bed". So i did, and after waking up the next time and looked at my reflection, I was like "dang woman, that didn't work".
I reached for a mask and drank a ton of water. I'm a multi-tasker, so I figured, why not do two masks and video tape it for all my beautiful people to see. Here's my little video review, enjoy!
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Posted by
Nikki Leacock
WELP, what had happened was...
If you've been following my blog, you will know that I have been frustrated with the Health Care system here. I used my frustration as an excuse to...brace yourself...not see a doctor for 6 years. I'm so embarrassed and quite honestly ashamed that I set such a bad example for my son! Anyways, my bodies changes forced me to finally get my act together and seek professional help. My current boss referred me to her lovely doctor who set me up with all the post 45 year old tests. It was super glamorous, as you can imagine. One of the things discovered were massive fibroids on my uterus. Without going into too much of the sexy details, they are growths that show up and if they get big enough, they can wreak havoc on your midsection.
I had a choice to make. Either have them surgically removed, with the risk of them returning (with a vengeance) or, start taking birth control pills in hopes that they shrink and play nice. Guys, this was a somewhat serious adult female decision to make. Can you guess what my first question to the doctor was? My head is literally hanging down as I write this...I asked "If I start taking the pill again, will I gain weight?" She smiled and listed all the legitimate benefits that could come from it, and ended with "Yes, there is a chance of weight gain". To which I immediately responded "If you had to ballpark, what kinda gain are we talking about?"
I don't know what to tell you, after struggling to get to the point where I felt confident in my body, (which, btw, gets harder every 5 years you are on this earth) the thought of having to work harder to keep off the extra weight that nature isn't due to pack on me until I hit 55-ish was less than appealing. There are a couple of puns I can't ignore: It was weighing heavily on my mind. It was a jagged pill to swallow.
Long story long, I am back on the pill. The fibroids have shrunk and I have become the woman in the tampon commercial that can bike ride, swim, and do yoga all while wearing white pants during my almost laughably light 3 day monthly period. The problem is, I am not bike riding, swimming or doing yoga. I definitely see a consistent work out regimen in my near future, mostly because I am now the proud wife of a hot personal trainer. But for now, I have settled in to my new curvier body
and have learned to love it. I do harbor some resentment in that I have to invest in a new bra because of it. I despise bra shopping.
Thanks for reading,
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If you've been following my blog, you will know that I have been frustrated with the Health Care system here. I used my frustration as an excuse to...brace yourself...not see a doctor for 6 years. I'm so embarrassed and quite honestly ashamed that I set such a bad example for my son! Anyways, my bodies changes forced me to finally get my act together and seek professional help. My current boss referred me to her lovely doctor who set me up with all the post 45 year old tests. It was super glamorous, as you can imagine. One of the things discovered were massive fibroids on my uterus. Without going into too much of the sexy details, they are growths that show up and if they get big enough, they can wreak havoc on your midsection.
I had a choice to make. Either have them surgically removed, with the risk of them returning (with a vengeance) or, start taking birth control pills in hopes that they shrink and play nice. Guys, this was a somewhat serious adult female decision to make. Can you guess what my first question to the doctor was? My head is literally hanging down as I write this...I asked "If I start taking the pill again, will I gain weight?" She smiled and listed all the legitimate benefits that could come from it, and ended with "Yes, there is a chance of weight gain". To which I immediately responded "If you had to ballpark, what kinda gain are we talking about?"
I don't know what to tell you, after struggling to get to the point where I felt confident in my body, (which, btw, gets harder every 5 years you are on this earth) the thought of having to work harder to keep off the extra weight that nature isn't due to pack on me until I hit 55-ish was less than appealing. There are a couple of puns I can't ignore: It was weighing heavily on my mind. It was a jagged pill to swallow.
Long story long, I am back on the pill. The fibroids have shrunk and I have become the woman in the tampon commercial that can bike ride, swim, and do yoga all while wearing white pants during my almost laughably light 3 day monthly period. The problem is, I am not bike riding, swimming or doing yoga. I definitely see a consistent work out regimen in my near future, mostly because I am now the proud wife of a hot personal trainer. But for now, I have settled in to my new curvier body
and have learned to love it. I do harbor some resentment in that I have to invest in a new bra because of it. I despise bra shopping.
Thanks for reading,
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Monday, February 26, 2018
Posted by
Nikki Leacock
Most of you already know, but some of you may not. I moved to Los Angeles 7 years ago with my little family from Toronto, Canada. I am a proud Canadian born and raised in Alberta. It can be compared to the America's mid-west. I was often the only black girl for my entire school life. From Elementary to High School I learned how to defend my Jamaican heritage, embrace my differences, and love my country. When we moved here, it was tough. I struggled with mild depression due to fear of the unknown, and being further away from my family and home that I had ever been.
And then one day, I noticed the hummingbirds busily buzzing around the gorgeous variety of flowers that lined my street. A street that I had walked a hundred times over and had never noticed it's beauty until just that moment. Then I noticed the sun was shining and the weather was sweet (copyright Bob Marley). Fast forward 7 years and I'm looking at my son lying on the couch finally recovering from a nasty bout of Bronchitis. Yesterday was a trying day. My son has not had a pediatrician since we moved here. We have relied on the advice of a new doctor every visit. Most have been great, some have been mediocre. It made me really miss home. I had no idea how fortunate I was living in a country that figures all the hard stuff out for you. The health care system here was crippling. I still don't fully understand how it works. It has been explained to me several times in several ways. STILL DON'T GET IT.
Now, having said all that. I've compiled a list of pros and cons for anyone who is considering making the move to or from here. I also want to add that, if you are a fiercely intelligent person who has the time and energy and money to commit to finding the best health care for you and your family. You will be just fine.
Blue and Flesh Simple T Chart by guiltfreestyle
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Now, having said all that. I've compiled a list of pros and cons for anyone who is considering making the move to or from here. I also want to add that, if you are a fiercely intelligent person who has the time and energy and money to commit to finding the best health care for you and your family. You will be just fine.
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Posted by
Nikki Leacock
My coworker recently curated a freshly painted gallery wall in her living room, and her pieces were so thoughtfully chosen. Each representing a time in her or her families lives. Of course it made me immediately go home and evaluate the choices I made for our gallery wall😐. Note to self: STOP COMPARING, IT WILL KILL YOU.
Anyhoo, I'm back at home and studying each item on our wall, and I love it. It has changed, grown, and evolved beautifully. Honestly, the idea of a gallery wall can be intimidating, but if you let it happen organically, it can be an impactful statement in any home.
Ours started with just four photos of our loving parents on a 19' high space. But instead of trying to fill the negative, we just nestled in to the minimalist vibe. Also, when we moved into this loft apartment, seeing the faces of our parents everyday was what we needed to feel comfort and hope. Then I began to paint again and a couple of canvasses went up, then Max knocked out some cool art in elementary school and those pieces went up. Richard wrote me the most beautiful poem and that went up. Friends who are artists started to gift artwork and those went up.
You get the idea. It's a recurring theme with my life and I'm passing on the advice to you again. Start where you are. You literally could start with a favorite item of clothing or your child's first set of crayons! I'm sharing some images of our wall with you for inspiration.
Have fun and thanks for reading,
featured artists:
Boba fett: Reine
Abstract Portrait of yours truly: Lynda
Abstract ink art: Paper Ladder
Abstract Ruby: Max
California Feather Print: Yeah Right Press
Charger B&W Photo: Julian
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Boba fett: Reine
Abstract Portrait of yours truly: Lynda
Abstract ink art: Paper Ladder
Abstract Ruby: Max
California Feather Print: Yeah Right Press
Charger B&W Photo: Julian